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What to Expect

Bulverde Chapel is built by Jesus and around Jesus, not on our own perceived talents. Our strategy in doing ministry or "growing our church" is to pray, watch, and join where Jesus is working. We strongly believe that Jesus equips those He calls, and has given each individual a gift and as a gift to the Body of Christ. We are here to encourage, to strengthen, and to serve one another as we all walk with the Lord. We simply offer Jesus... and lunch after Church. 

Sunday Gatherings

Bulverde Chapel aims to have small gatherings because it allows each person to contribute and serve the Body of Christ. Our members are required to "feed Jesus' sheep" rather than to merely "be fed" as a consumer. 

When we gather on Sunday morning, we Honor the name of Jesus together. We sing praises to His name. There's no lights, smoke shows, or anything that may distract from Jesus. 
Our Pastor facilitates a conversation with the other believers. Most of the time the main message is brought from the conversations occurring among the Church. 
We respond together as a Church by taking the Lord's Supper.
We respond individually in prayer and giving thanks to God with our offerings. 
Lastly, we sit around a table together and fellowship.

Family Ministries

We have Family Ministries for children under 5 during our service. Each family rotates serving the Children every week as an act of worship to Jesus. 
For kids over 5 we enjoy having them in service with us. Can it be loud? Absolutely. Can it be distracting? Sometimes. But we love families being families together. We engage the kids with questions during the sermon and have parents engage with your kids during the service.