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Our Ministries


We help women with unplanned pregnancies find a place of belonging within the church through support groups. We invite you to join the 6,000+ women who have been empowered through an Embrace Grace or Embrace Life Support Group.
Check out our Embrace Grace blog posts here




Falcons Fellowship is a High School Bible club at Hill Country College Preparatory High School. We encourage the kids to pursue Jesus as the most important thing in their life, we encourage the kids to read their bible and have a relationship with Jesus, and we encourage the kids to be the lighthouse at their school. 


We give out food and clothes while praying and telling the homeless around San Antonio about Jesus. 



San Antonio has had an influx of migrants. They eventually get moved to Sanctuary Cities around the United States. Since we have such a short period of time with the migrants, we try and use every opportunity to preach the Gospel and live out Christianity to them. We handout tracks, pray, and interpret so they can know Jesus.